How To Install
Retrix Gold

Download Now


Windows 10 ARM

Windows 10 x64

Windows 10 x86

3 Steps to start:

After downloading the zip file, extract the file to any location you want

Uninstall any previous Retrix version

Install Dependencies

The installation folder will contain Dependencies folder inside it



Microsoft.VCLibs.[x64 / x86 / ARM].14.00

Install these files one by one, some of them might be already installed

Install Certificate

Becuase this release doesn't have official certified package from Microsoft

This external certificate need to be installed before installing Retrix

Inside the installation folder you will find a file named:

RetriX.UWP_3.0.0.0_[x64 / x86 / ARM].crt install this file with the following steps:

1st Double click on the file

2nd Click "Install Certificate"

3rd Select "Local Machine" then click "Next"

4th Select "Place all the certificates in the following store"

5th Click "Browse"

6th Select "Trusted People" then click "OK"

7th Click "Next" then click "Finish"

Now you can install Retrix Gold with out having any problem with the certificate

Install Retrix Gold

Inside the installation folder you will find a file named:

RetriX.UWP_3.0.0.0_[x64 / x86 / ARM].appx

Double click on the file then Click "Install"

Installation Problem


Contact for help anytime

This is Guarantee that Retrix Gold is completely free from any harmful content, and doesn't contain any tracking, collection functions or Ads, you can completely play with trust.

If you have any suspicions or concerns related to Retrix please contact for more extra and deep details